Title: Worldwide population prevalence and impact of sub-diagnostic gastrointestinal symptoms
Published: | March 14, 2024 |
Approximately 1 in 4 adults worldwide experiences frequent GI symptoms without meeting the Rome Foundation diagnostic criteria for any disorders of the gut-brain interaction (DGBI).
In this pioneering study – the largest of its kind encompassing over 50,000 participants – scientists from Danone Research & Innovation and The Rome Foundation unveil an overlooked segment of the population, characterize its global prevalence and assess the impact of sub-diagnostic GI symptoms on its quality of life.
Their findings show that this population, referred to as the ‘sub-diagnostic group’, endures a notable decline in quality of life, impaired work productivity and life activities, as well as greater psychological symptoms. In addition, researchers observed that these individuals seek healthcare services more often than those with minimal symptoms.
Addressing this issue, which has been largely overseen in research and clinical care, is crucial for advancing our understanding of GI functioning and enhancing public health by providing the sub-diagnostic group with targeted support.