Title: The Role of Creatine in Human Milk
Published: | May 14, 2024 |
Human milk provides optimal energy for infant growth and development, with its composition being intricately influenced by the mother’s diet.
Creatine is a bioactive compound of human milk, essential for cellular energy metabolism to replenish ADP to ATP via the creatine kinase reaction, and to fuel processes like muscle growth and brain development. Previous research shows creatine levels are highest in colostrum (early-stage milk) and decline gradually over the lactation period. This suggests a potentially elevated demand for the compound during the initial postnatal period.
In this study, researchers present evidence of the heightened concentration of creatine in the umbilical cord, surpassing that of other metabolites. These findings underscore its importance in fostering both fetal and early neonatal growth. Furthermore, it highlights the significance of breastfeeding in supplying this valuable compound during the initial phases of infant growth.
Read the full study > The Umbilical Cord Creatine Flux and Time Course of Human Milk Creatine across Lactation – PMC (nih.gov).