
Nutrition therapy in cachectic cancer patients. The Tight Caloric Control (TiCaCo) pilot trial

Title: Nutrition therapy in cachectic cancer patients. The Tight Caloric Control (TiCaCo) pilot trial

Authors: De Waele E, Mattens S, Honoré PM, Spapen H, De Grève J, Pen JJ
Published: August 21, 2015


This study examines the nutritional status of cancer patients. Results show that nutrition therapy reduces unexpected hospital stays and prolongs overall survival in cancer patients.

Read full publication here

Citation: De Waele E, Mattens S, Honoré PM, Spapen H, De Grève J, Pen JJ. Nutrition therapy in cachectic cancer patients. The Tight Caloric Control (TiCaCo) pilot trial. Apetite 2015 Aug;91(1):298-301