
Maximizing the health and exercise benefits of protein through nutritional innovation

Protein is a critical part of the human diet. This fact might be simple enough, but the ways in which our bodies need and use protein are as complex as the protein molecules themselves. There is still much we do not know – but at Danone Global Research & Innovation (R&I), our understanding of proteins is constantly growing as we explore a variety of intriguing questions.

For instance, how can we ensure people following plant-based diets still get all the amino acids they need? How can specific nutrients be combined with protein to stimulate neuromuscular activation? How can certain enzymes facilitate protein digestion and absorption, leading to greater nutrient delivery to support our muscles?  What are the best ways to use protein (and co-nutrients) to support people pre- and post-surgery? And, importantly, how can we reduce the muscle wasting that is often a consequence of critical care and diseases like cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

These are just some of the lines of enquiry our Muscle, Performance, and Recovery team are investigating – and the answers they are uncovering are already yielding significant progress in the field of nutritional science.

Protein: An essential all-rounder

Proteins play a fundamental role in the structure and functioning of the body’s tissues and organs. Proteins are made up of combinations of amino acids, with their arrangement determining each protein’s characteristics – whether it is collagen supporting connective tissues, hemoglobin helping to transport oxygen to cells in the body, or an enzyme breaking down food. Nine of the 20 common amino acids – including L-leucine, which is vital for supporting muscle protein synthesis – are classed as “essential” because they are not made by the body, and therefore need to be consumed through our diet. Meanwhile, “non-essential” amino acids can be produced by the body – although some of these can be upgraded to “conditionally essential” status in certain circumstances, for example in times of stress or illness when their production may be reduced or limited.

“Proteins are critical for our movement and physiological function,” says Professor Justin Roberts, Senior Team Lead for Muscle, Performance, and Recovery at Danone Global R&I in the Netherlands, and Professor of Nutritional Physiology at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom. “Proteins support everything from healthy growth, to active living and sport, to optimizing muscle function with aging – so that people can live fulfilling lives, enhance recovery, and sustain their independence for longer.”

The Muscle, Performance and Recovery R&I team investigate protein “engines,” which are combinations of nutrients that can drive targeted effects in the body, such as enhanced protein synthesis. They make discoveries that can be used to improve or develop nutritional solutions, benefiting patients and consumers worldwide. But when it comes to protein science, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

The cutting edge of protein research

The protein requirements of a regular gym-goer or an Olympic athlete will be very different from those of an elderly person or a cancer patient – in terms of not only the quantity, but also the quality of protein.1Danone Research & Innovation (2024) /. Protein quantity &
quality. Danone Research
. Published on August 2, 2024

“In this sense, ‘quality’ refers to the presence and balance of the amino acids in a food source (particularly the essential amino acids), as well as the digestibility and absorbability of the proteins in a particular food. This could impact the functionality of our dietary proteins,” explains Professor Roberts.

The team’s translational research process often begins with preclinical experts, who carry out modeling and test ideas in cell lines. If these initial tests are promising, the idea may progress to human studies and clinical patients.

 “Next, we’d look at whether a new concept or a specific engine or nutritional solution could enhance factors including nutrient and protein uptake – known as ‘bioavailability’ – through to muscle protein synthesis, functional strength, and recovery in different populations,” Professor Roberts says.

Breakthroughs can have particular benefits for certain groups of patients and consumers. For instance, the Muscle, Performance and Recovery team is currently researching nutrient engines that can increase the activity of mitochondria (the “powerhouses” of our cells) and boost their energy and function, which is important during patient recovery. If the results show potential, it is time for the next stage: an applied human model. “Here, we can see if these engines increase energy production. Using these nutrients to reduce fatigue could be particularly important for supporting patients in their recovery from surgery or illness.” The team is also investigating how protein can be used to support muscles more holistically – extending to the surrounding connective tissue, bones, and joints. The effects of this approach could be maximized with the use of protein nutritional solutions while preparing for surgery and during rehabilitation.

From brawn to brain

As we age, maintaining muscle mass and minimizing the negative effects of sarcopenia (muscle loss) can help to preserve mobility and quality of life. But this is a challenge because, over time, we develop “anabolic resistance,” where the body does not respond to anabolic stimuli – including amino acids – as well as before. This means that as we get older, our need for protein may actually increase to support delivery of the amino acids (particularly L-leucine) required for muscle protein synthesis. Accordingly, the Muscle, Performance and Recovery research team is investigating the role of nutrients in neuromuscular activation, alongside protein strategies, to better understand the brain-to-muscle connection. “Providing proteins to support muscle protein synthesis is one factor, but in some cases finding solutions to enhance neuromuscular activation is equally important,” explains Professor Roberts. Another hot topic of research is the “gut-muscle axis”: protein has a key role to play in this complex interrelationship because, once consumed, your body produces enzymes needed for digestion. “By adding specific enzymes (or other nutrients such as pre- or probiotics) to protein formulas, we aim to maximize their likelihood of being absorbed and used by the body,” continues Professor Roberts, “especially since we’re seeing increased tailoring and specialization in protein research. There are also current technologies, such as precision fermentation, that are allowing us to understand how gut microorganisms can be used to produce targeted end-products including proteins. This is potentially important because you could then target the protein to the end user – creating ‘individualized nutrition’.”

Protein and the plant-based diet

For vegetarians and vegans, or for those who consume fewer animal-derived products, it is important to think not only about getting enough protein, but also about whether that protein source is of sufficient quality in terms of provision of the right amino acids. Animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy are called “complete proteins” because they contain all nine essential amino acids. Milk, for example, is composed of two high-quality complete proteins: casein and whey. Most plant-based foods are generally considered to provide incomplete proteins, because – other than a handful of exceptions, such as soybeans and quinoa – they do not individually contain all the essential amino acids in the optimal amounts.

The advice is simple: people following a (largely) plant-based diet should combine different protein sources in their diet – think beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and high-protein vegetables. But the societal trend toward vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian diets and the sustainability benefits of reducing our consumption of animal products are also stimulating new research. This includes investigating how plant-based ingredients can be incorporated into products such as nutritional tube feeds, protein shakes, and everyday snacks – either as a hybrid blend or as a wholly plant-based product.

“There’s so much we don’t yet know in terms of what’s best in different settings,” Professor Roberts says. “There’s a lot of interest, for example, in ‘bioactive peptides’ from plant-based sources: unique peptides that might have specific functionality as well as potential sustainability benefits.”

One promising avenue being explored by a cross-functional Danone R&I team is how to maximize protein synthesis from plant-based nutritional products, particularly those aimed at older people, so their protein benefits provide a strong alternative to dairy-based nutritional products.

“The findings from our current research could impact how we view proteins and the benefits of plant-based nutrition,” says Professor Roberts.

A question of timing?

Turning from plant-based diets to personal-best performance: anyone who exercises or competes knows they need protein (as well as carbohydrates and fats) to train and perform at their best. Why? “Protein is important for our ability to recover from exercise and support adaptations to training, leading to improved performance over time,” says Professor Roberts.

But there is some debate around the optimal timing of this protein intake. In 2006, a landmark study investigated the effects of giving people a protein-rich drink (including carbohydrates and creatine) before and after their training sessions, or in the morning and evening.2Paul J Cribb and Alan Hayes. Effects of supplement timing and resistance exercise on skeletal muscle hypertrophy, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 38(11):p 1918-1925. Published on … Continue reading It found that taking protein close to the time of your training could increase the overall effects of a training program, such as enhanced muscle gains and strength performance. Ultimately, this indicates that specific protein (and co-nutrient) intake close to exercise, particularly during the recovery phase, could help athletes achieve higher training goals.

Some food for thought, however: there is more to the equation than drinking a protein shake straight after you leave the gym – because what you do in terms of physical training, and what you consume over the course of the whole day, are also important factors in getting the most out of your sporting session.3Mamerow et al /. Dietary protein distribution positively influences 24-h muscle protein synthesis in healthy adults.
The Journal of nutrition 144(6):876-80. Published on 2014
In other words, protein will not make your muscles bigger unless you put in the work.

“One common misconception is that if you consume a lot of protein, you’ll suddenly look like a bodybuilder,” Professor Roberts says. “My response is always simple: if you see someone with big muscles, you’re looking at someone who’s been training very hard, likely for many months or years. If you want bigger or more toned muscles, you need to use them – period! However, combining physical exercise with the right nutritional solutions can lead to improved gains.”

Whether it is pushing athletes to their peak, supporting patients in times of physical stress, or simply helping us live healthy everyday lives, protein is one mighty macronutrient. And these are exciting times in the field of protein science, as researchers lay new pathways for maximizing protein’s positive impact in a wide range of solutions – and help improve life for all kinds of people, all over the world.

View References

View References
1 Danone Research & Innovation (2024) /. Protein quantity &
quality. Danone Research
. Published on August 2, 2024
2 Paul J Cribb and Alan Hayes. Effects of supplement timing and resistance exercise on skeletal muscle hypertrophy, Medicine & Science
in Sports & Exercise 38(11):p 1918-1925.
Published on November 2006
3 Mamerow et al /. Dietary protein distribution positively influences 24-h muscle protein synthesis in healthy adults.
The Journal of nutrition 144(6):876-80. Published on 2014