
Lower brain and blood nutrient status in Alzheimer’s disease: Results from meta-analyses

Title: Lower brain and blood nutrient status in Alzheimer’s disease: Results from meta-analyses

Authors: de Wilde MC, Vellas B, Girault E, Yavuz AC, Sijben JW
Published: 2017

This is the first systematic comparison of the level of brain nutrients in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The study shows that patients with AD have lower scores of some specific nutrients while other nutrients don’t show a difference in comparison to healthy controls.

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Citation: de Wilde MC, Vellas B, Girault E, Yavuz AC, Sijben JW. Lower bran and blood nutrient status in Alzhiemer’s disease: Results from meta-analyses. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2017; 1(16)