Title: ESPGHAN 2018 – Bringing the past into the future: infant formula with postbiotics, Prof. Goulet
Published: | 2018 |
During the Nutricia Satellite Symposium at ESPGHAN, Friday May 11 2018, Nutricia hosted a breakfast satellite symposium highlighting the science behind our new concept combining prebiotics and postbiotics for healthy infants.
The title of the symposium was ‘Prebiotics and postbiotics: Next generation in infant nutrition bringing immune system through gut’, chaired by Prof. Yvan Vandenplas.
In this video of the presentation at ESPGHAN, Prof. Olivier Goulet, Professor of Pediatrics, Necker- Enfants Malades Hospital; University of Paris V–René Descartes, France, elaborates on ‘Bringing the past into the future: infant formulas with postbiotics’. He explains that based on the available insights, postbiotics in infant formula are safe and could favour a healthy and resilient gut and immune system in infants