
Precision Nutrition D-Lab: European Excellence in Singapore

Precision Nutrition D-Lab (of Danone Research & Innovation Singapore) is featured as one of the “European Excellence in Singapore” in the annual magazine of EuroCham (The European Chamber of Commerce).



Power of nutrition to make a positive impact on health

Danone Research & Innovation Singapore was established in 2011 as the Asian satellite research centre.

With its nutritional commitment to support babies and mothers in their first 1,000 days, the research centre was set up to connect with scientific experts and medical networks in Asia to consolidate its research and innovation in early life nutrition.

Key achievements of the research centre in Singapore include more than 20 ongoing or completed clinical studies, and over 100 publications and scientific lectures. Furthermore, the centre has forged scientific partnerships to conduct clinical studies in 40 hospitals in 8 countries across the region.

Leveraging the power of digitalisation

On 14th March 2018, the Precision Nutrition D-Lab was launched to strengthen the research centre’s capabilities in providing novel, scientifically substantiated integrated nutritional solutions.

Precision Nutrition D-Lab, a fusion of digital technology, nutrition science and health solutions, is equipped with digital-enabled data collection tools and data analytics to strengthen its position in pioneering nutritional research and innovation.

By adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, the centre is able to develop nutritional products and services that address the specific needs of the target population.

Partnership to drive long-term nutritional innovations

Apart from bringing a lot of new opportunities for the company, the digital revolution also entails enormous benefits for the parents, researchers and healthcare professional.

Digital tools can increase engagement between parents and healthcare professionals while strengthening collaboration between multiple parties to provide babies with better nutrition in early life.

Harnessing digital technology in research enables researchers to discover new biological mechanisms, predict the risks of certain diseases and eventually drive long-term nutritional solutions.

It also provides an exciting platform for partnership between technology companies, healthcare professionals and researchers to devise practical evidence-based nutritional solutions.

Click here to read the magazine.


About the European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore

The European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, also known as EuroCham, was established in 2001 with the mission to represent the common interests of the European business community in promoting freer trade and investments between Europe and Singapore, as well as within the region.