
Neonatal antibiotics in preterm infants and allergic disorders later in life

Title: Neonatal antibiotics in preterm infants and allergic disorders later in life

Authors: Carstens, L. E., Westerbeek, E. A. M., van Zwol, A. and van Elburg, R. M
Published: 2015

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

The outcome of the study shows that antibiotic use in preterm infants was associated with the development of atopic dermatitis, recurrent wheeze, and asthma. This indicates that neonatal antibiotics might have long-term adverse consequences in preterm infants.

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Citation: Carstens, L. E., Westerbeek, E. A. M., van Zwol, A. and van Elburg, R. M. Neonatal antibiotics in preterm infants and allergic disorders later in life. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2016;27:749–763