
Burden-of-illness of Dutch community-dwelling older adults with sarcopenia: Health related outcomes and costs

Title: Burden-of-illness of Dutch community-dwelling older adults with sarcopenia: Health related outcomes and costs

Authors: Mijnarends DM, Schols JMGA, Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Luiking YC, Verlaan S
Published: 2016

European Geriactric Medicine

This cross-sectional study in 227 community-dwelling older adults showed that the health and economic burden was higher in sarcopenic than in non-sarcopenic older adults. The living situation was an important driver of this higher burden. This suggests that maintaining independence and keeping older adults out of care-dependent settings can help to reduce health care costs.

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Citation: Mijnarends DM, Schols JMGA, Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Luiking YC, Verlaan S, Evers SMAA. Burden-of-illness of Dutch community-dwelling older adults with sarcopenia: Health related outcomes and costs, European Geriatric Medicine. 2016 June;7(3):276-284